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NP Photonics is an ITAR-certified company.

Neither the intending registrant, chief executive officer, president, vice-presidents, other senior officers or officials (e.g., comptroller, treasurer, general counsel) nor any member of the board of directors:


(i) has ever been indicted for or convicted of violating any of the U.S. criminal statues enumerated in 22 CFR 120.27; or


(ii) is ineligible to contract with, or to receive a license or other approval to import defense articles or defense services from, or to receive an export license or other approval from, any agency of the U.S. Government.


In accordance with 22 CFR 122.2(b) (2), NP Photonics, Inc. is neither owned nor controlled by foreign persons (as defined in 22 CFR 120.16).

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